Special rules govern whistleblower complaints for FAA employees. The information contained herein is not exhaustive, nor does it constitute legal advice, but is intended to provide an overview of whistleblower protections. Whistleblowers should consult with a whistleblower lawyer to obtain legal advice.
A complaint must be filed with the Department of Labor and/or the FAA within 90 days of the date of the discrimination or retaliation for the whistle blowing. The Secretary of Labor has delegated the authority to receive and process discrimination complaints to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which is part of the Department of Labor. A personal remedy for discrimination is available to you only by filing a complaint with the U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). You must file your complaint with the nearest OSHA Regional Office within 90 days of the date of the discriminatory conduct. To find the closet office: http://www.osha.gov/html/RAmap.html
Anonymous complaints cannot be processed under the Whistleblower Protection Program. If you would like to make an anonymous safety-only complaint, please use the FAA Safety Hotline.
Your complaint must include the following:
1. Your name, address, and telephone number;
2. The specific order, regulation, or standard of the FAA, or the specific provision of Federal law in question (if known);
3. The name of the person(s) who discharged or otherwise discriminated against you;
4. You must make one or more of the following allegations:
- I provided, caused to be provided, or was about to provide, to my employer information about a violation of an order, regulation, or standard of the FAA or another provision of Federal law relating to air carrier safety.
- I provided, caused to be provided, or was about to provide, to the Federal Government information about a violation of an order, regulation, or standard of the FAA or another provision of Federal law relating to air carrier safety.
- I filed, caused to be filed, or was about to file or cause to be filed, a proceeding relating to a violation of an order, regulation, or standard of the FAA or another provision of Federal law relating to air carrier safety.
- I testified or was about to testify in a proceeding relating to a violation of an order, regulation, or standard of the FAA or another provision of Federal law relating to air carrier safety.
- I assisted or participated in, or was about to assist or participate in, a proceeding relating to a violation of an order, regulation, or standard of the FAA or another provision of Federal law relating to air carrier safety.
5. Any other facts, data, and applicable circumstances.
For legal counsel contact Whistleblower Attorney Gregory A. Hall at: WWW.AWHISTLEBLOWERLAWYER.COM
Gregory A. Hall
A Colorado Personal Injury Attorney
3570 E. 12th Avenue, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 303-320-0584
Email: gregory@federallaw.com
If you only send your complaint to FAA you will not be eligible to receive any damages. To file your complaint with the FAA, you may use the Electronic Complaint Form found on the FAA’s website, or mail your complaint to:
Federal Aviation Administration
Whistleblower Protection Program
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 831
Washington, DC 20591
For more information: