
OWCP administers the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (“FECA”).  A federal employee seeking benefits under FECA has the continuing burden of establishing the essential elements of the claim.  You are required to obtain and submit evidence proving your injury or medical condition was caused by performing an assigned job duty or in the performance of those duties.  To establish a claim for an occupational disease, you must submit:

  • A factual statement identifying employment factors which caused or contributed to the onset of the illness;
  • Medical evidence that establishes the presence of the illness; and
  • Medical evidence that establishes the employment factors proximately caused the illness.

The medical evidence required to establish a causal relationship is what the OWCP calls “rationalized medical opinion evidence”.  Rationalized medical opinion evidence is medical evidence which includes a physician’s rationalized opinion on the issue of whether there is a causal relationship between the claimant’s diagnosed condition and the implicated employment factors.
OWCP Attorney Gregory Hall has been handling OWCP cases since 1996 and has the requisite expertise to properly advise you on your federal workers’ compensation claim.
Gregory A. Hall
OWCP Attorney
3570 E. 12 Avenue, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80206
Ph. 303-320-0584

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